Knowledgable delegates in the FIFA committee engaged in a mild and friendly debate on where the 2034 World Cup should be hosted. The debate proved to be futile as the crisis progressed slowly, and many soccer fans became increasingly annoyed at the lack of action by the FIFA committee.
Messi repeatedly fell on the ground and began to roll around aimlessly, meanwhile, the committee was prompted to vote out potential country locations and it was at this point that Argentina was voted out, however, Italy/Spain, North Korea, and China/Russia remained viable countries for hosting the World Cup.
Amidst the tears coming from Argentina, the director continually implored the delegates to send in directives expressing how much financial aid they were planning to put into the committee, threatening to bar them if he did not receive directives.
Right of reply awarded a Chinese delegate the right to passionately defend China after a butthurt Argentinan accused China of a lack of safety, citing many stabbing incidents. Meanwhile, an Italian representative points the finger at the Chinese Football Association imploring them to acknowledge the corruption that exists within the corporation.
“Yoooo what,” the horrified dias screamed in horror as the content of the directives that had finally been sent was nothing to write home about. Much to the journalist’s dismay, Lionel Messi presented the committee with an uncomfortable speech, calling himself “the most skibidi Ohio soccer player,” he challenged Christiano Ronaldo to a 1v1 football game.
Pressing issues unfold as a new update is revealed and the dias divulges that Ronaldo endorses China and has changed his name to Chingstiano Ronaldong. Notwithstanding, Gianni Infantino delivered a riveting speech expressing how he was a victim of bullying due to his red hair and freckles. New ideas emerged as more and more delegates took bribes and moved over to the Russian/Chinese side. Rivetting opinions fly across the room with Russia offering private jets to anyone who votes for them, meanwhile, Ronaldo is accused of being trans-racial after his radical name change.
Bribery proves to be a major issue in this committee as the president of the French Football Association aggressively points the finger at China and Russia. Undoubtedly, it seems like the committee has gone backwards as the initial point was to weed out corruption; however, a delegate can be seen accepting money as he says the words, “don’t vote for corruption.”
More voting ensues and the board members are made to vote between 3 choices, Spain and Italy, China and Russia, and North Korea. Astonishingly North Korea lost terribly with a total of 3 votes and the last 2 viable locations are Spain/Italy or Russia/China.
Pleas are continually made for FIFA board members to turn a blind eye to the corruption and bribery that are running rampant through the committee and vote for Russia/China. Additionally, all the board members who are against Russia and China were encouraged to share the sources of their reserves so that the committee could come to a resolution.
Seemingly romantic speeches as well as bribes are made towards Messi in an attempt to win him over to the Russian/Chinese side, and it is successful as Messi revealed to the committee that he endorses Russia/China. Seductive whistles echo across the room as Chen Xuyuan gets up to make a passionate speech stating that China is not only rich in infrastructure but also a country with beautiful people.
Whereas, a new crisis update emerges, “Messi’s army of Midgets and Ronaldo’s army of 7-year olds… [have] boycotted Italy and Spain [and] will not attend the World Cup if they Host.”
Prompted by the crisis update, a new voting procedure began and it was decided that the 2034 World Cup would be hosted by the Russian Federation and China, the crisis ended with all the delegates cohesively chanting “China! China! China!” at the top of their voices.
I did this wrong… 🙁
leowo2 is my opp
Leowo2 is an opposition