| 12 April 2024′
As secondary speakers delivered their positions through luminously articulated and comprehensively investigated speeches, there was an apparent overlap of the higher casualty rate in women compared to male casualties caused by climate change and its consequences. The delegation of Qatar passionately voiced the urgency of reaching net zero emissions and how both genders are equally capable of working towards this goal together. As the issue of post-climatic disaster responses arose, speeches were made regarding the increase in gender-based violence that occurs after cities have suffered through disasters like tsunamis, floods, and wildfires which have been at an all-time high as the environment has been responding negatively to its degeneration.
Qatar, with the support of Turkmenistan and Afghanistan, focussed on long-term solutions such as decreasing the happenings of these disasters. She also states, “men should not be isolated as the cause of these issues as men can be allies, providing safety and being reliable protectors as fathers brothers and grandfathers.”
This controversial speech about, providing short-term solutions that would be efficacious immediately, piqued the interest of several nations such as Latvia with the support of France, Ireland, and Japan as they don’t necessarily agree with the idea that long-term solutions aren’t going to rescue women from being assaulted and harassed presently.