The Canadian government, under the leadership of Justin Trudeau, is institutionalizing our country on the Progressive Ideals of an Authoritarian movement against the integrity of rudimentary Canadian liberty. Canada was built upon the principles of a democratic system with foundations dating back to the revolutionary ideals of Peacemakers who vowed to spread Equality based upon opportunity, and happiness constructed from the merit of peace. Of course, our foundational principles were violated in history, obviously ignoring the constitutional protocol set in our basic Charter of Human Rights. Of course, we cannot leave our past examples of oppression behind, specifically regarding our inhumane treatment of the Indigenous people, but our established institution is prone to the influence of changing societal principles — that is we must understand such a political situation is but a constant flux of changes. Given our efforts to ensure the integrity of the protection of basic human liberty, continuous efforts are made to finally make amends for past injustices. Besides this, it has become increasingly evident we are living in a new era of political and ideological suppression. Likewise, it is but the work of a flawed government system which we must understand is a basis for many of our problems.
We must first understand that our preliminary democratic movements do not dictate the political stability of a future, for that exemplifies an uncertainty for our future political endeavours. Oddly enough, former constitutions established leading economic practices in the form of fiscal economics and the controversial introduction of Progressive Libertarianism, opposed by many Conservatives. The once meritocratic based system imposed by our rulers is now but a thing of the past, for which those in positions of power are disillusioned with the new propagandized system of living. If this seems unfamiliar, Fascist Germany, a government ruled with an Iron Fist and suppressed opposing ideals through fear, provides a clear image of such current circumstances. Thus, comes this argument, modeled upon a clear disagreement of indoctrination to the general population from a radical-left authoritarian government, or in other terms: this Fascist movement brought by the Left threatening the integrity of our Constitution itself.
Of course, arguing against the Trudeau government, or in such an Authoritarian nation, comes with the fear of repression; the fear of a totalitarian state is plausible, given the controversies incited by a naive government. This concern is already met with examples of perturb propaganda in public media and educational indoctrination to bring about the movement toward the youth. Taking the human right of speech, once a constitutional right set forth by our Founding Fathers, is now a privilege to express conditioned opinions under the clear intentions of leadership guiding us towards a totalitarian state. Such rights are even exploited by the Left to further suppress Conservative arguments for which now we foresee the “Politically Correct Left” way of thinking is the only appropriate option. Political tensions are high, but the Progressive theory under current circumstances suggests a targeted attack on moderates and conservatives with clear labels of ambiguous terms situated to surrender the basic human premise of individualized thought. Indeed, this is the same authoritarian principle brought by a fascist government that sought to eradicate the basic human right to exist.
As the modern Progressive movement embraces further Marxist ideals, the suppression of such movements of equity instead favors those labeled with clear disadvantages. Indeed, institutions no longer favour those whose innovations will yield beneficial consequences, for it seems merit-based inequality is the pivotal foundation of future Progressive work. Ironically speaking, these proclaimed,Leftist Democratic, politicians favour egalitarianism in a society whose principle builds upon the foundations of fairness. Contrary to their efforts, it seems the centralization of power is inherent in oppressive Marxist ideologies. They argue that these Marxist systems concentrated in the hands of the state, or in other words, Radical indoctrination to further repress fundamental ideals and favour minority groups, is now the premise of our education. Additionally, it is this authoritarianism – the stifling of individual freedoms – that makes this inherently collectivist approach disregard Canadians’ individual rights and liberties.