Sophia Luo
“Our resources are for anyone who can reproduce – no matter their sexual orientation or gender.” The fifth committee session of WHO started out with voting on working papers. The first of which to pass was El Salvador and her bloc (Brazil, United Kingdom, Norway, Sweden)’s paper.
Merits of this paper included the decriminalization of abortion, resource centres for providing sexual health products and information, and access to reproductive healthcare services.

El Salvador’s bloc explaining the merits of their working paper // Sophia Luo
As a female, one of the things I advocate for most is women’s reproductive rights. There are no words that can emphasize how important this is. In most scenarios, abortion is needed most for younger girls, who have suffered from teen pregnancy. I stand up for those girls, as their own childhood, their own life is taken away from them when they produce unwanted offspring. As well, sexual health products and education are crucial. In areas where these resources are not present, this is critical. Women deserve equal rights and resources, especially for health products, no matter who they are or where they live. I truly believe that abortion is completely up to the person that carries the baby. Not the doctor, not their parents, not their partner, but themselves. If they want to keep the baby, by all means. But if they want to abort, I think that this should be respected, too. A woman’s body is her choice.