by Emirates News Agency

This story is a breaking news exclusive. Earlier today, republican extremists were seen and heard harassing delegates multiple times, with excessive amounts of forcefulness. The pro-Trump and anti-vaccine extremists were earlier harassing delegates on an elevator, shouting racist things, hating on the UN, and discrediting the delegates who were part of this conference. Furthermore, there were Republicans openly approaching delegates who were in the U.S. Senate earlier this morning, stating that they openly supported Trump and the Republic party.
Afterwards, during lunch break, those same delegates saw a different extremist who started swearing about the UN in the middle of a public restaurant and speaking loudly about Donald Trump and how people should vote for him. This same thing happened repeatedly, as a anti-vaccine extremist approached a group of delegates and dais staff and started swearing at them and the UN conference, calling them communists, campaigning for Trump 2024, then left.
There was immediate and decisive action taken, but this situation has no doubt shaken delegates and staff alike right to their core. A number of extremists were believed to be taken into custody and placed in handcuffs by the police department. This is no morning crisis as this was unfortunately experienced in real time, today. This experience has made many feel scared, uncomfortable, and worried for their safety and of others. While the threat is now no longer present, this has impacted delegates in a very serious manner.