Sophia Luo, Japan Broadcasting Corporation
‘Commit to the bit’ is just one phrase that should be used to describe the DISEC (Disarmament and International Security Committee.
Yesterday, the majority voted on the first topic the Monitoring the Use of Private Military Contractors. Fast forward to today, blocs are already working hard and brainstorming ideas for their working papers.
One notable bloc, consisting of North Korea, Russia, and other delegates, has very opposing ideals compared to the United States’ bloc. In an interview with North Korea, he stated that he “likes PMCs [private military contractors]”. The delegate of North Korea believes that, “international regulations restrict developing nations ability to grow and expand military influence”.

Blocs in DISEC during an unmod // Sophia Luo, Japan Broadcasting Corporation
On the contrary, the United States and her bloc have strict international regulations and sanctions, which, as said by North Korea, “will discourage the use of PMCs and leave developing nations more vulnerable to developed nations’ militaries.”
Though his beliefs may be controversial to some, it is no lie that he is one of the most well known delegates in his almost 100 person committee.
In an interview with Peru, “I think a lot of people want to collaborate with them, like the bloc [North Korea’s bloc].” With such a controversial role to play, the fate of the committee and his bloc is in his hands.