Sophia Luo, Japan Broadcasting Corporation
This following story is focused on real life events. Earlier today, groups of extremists were protesting near the hotel that hosts CAHSMUN (Sheraton Wall Centre) and at some point, inside as well. Witnesses of this event have stated that one group was transphobic, while another was anti vaccine, racist against non-Caucasian people, and Trump supporters/Republicans. The subsequent interview is with 2 anonymous first hand witnesses, as well as myself and Arabella Ogundu (Russian News Agency).
[Arabella Ogundu]: Where were you when the incident ocurred?
[Anonymous 1]: So, we were at the North Tower walking down from the lobby to the lower lobby, I was heading to the Secretariat desk, and then there was this person, who, started screaming, uh, a bunch of obscenities, um, including things like, “F you”, “F you all”, um, “F communists”, uh,
[Anonymous 2]: “You’re traitors to your country?’
[Anonymous 1]: Yes, “you’re traitors to your country”, um, “Trump 2024”, and then, then he left, or no, actually no, he went out, and then he came back in and yelled “you’re traitors to your country” “Trump 2024” and then he left again.
[Sophia Luo]: And what did he look like?
[Anonymous 1]: I don’t know, (indistinguishable), I don’t really remember, like maybe around 50ish, Caucasian, white male, um, that was redundant, but, yeah, um 50ish, something like that.
[Arabella]: How did you feel?
[Anonymous 1]: Well I was on a phone call, so, um, I guess the biggest thing was that I was pretty annoyed, um, ’cause I had to keep repeating myself, but, um, of course, the uh, I, it was, I wouldn’t say I was uncomfortable, but it was just and interesting situation.
[Sophia]: Were there witnesses, when you were there?
[Anonymous 1]: Many. [Anonymous 2] here is one.
[Arabella]: You were, you were down there? Can you tell us the story in your own words?
[Anonymous 2]: Um, basically, I remember, it was a bunch of just, like school kids just like, like I think they were having a meeting or something, we just walked down the escalator, and then, I remember the same things as him, like he came back and said the same things and came out, um, like I remember no one was provoked. They were just standing there. And like, they didn’t say anything.
[Anonymous 1]: Everyone was just minding their own business, um, the teachers were just (disgusted face)
[Anonymous 2]: Yeah, the teachers did not know what to think,
[Anonymous 1]: And the students who were all just on their phones,
[Anonymous 2]: Or I think they were just standing on the other side, like they were pressed against the wall
[Arabella]: The, students?
[Anonymous 2]: Yeah, there were just a bunch of students there, they were just like, standing against the wall
[Anonymous 1]: I mean if you head down there, you know, there are just a bunch of couches and seats
…. (irrelevant information)
[Anonymous 1]: All I know is that I have just been told to warn my delegates, repeatedly to take off their nametags, um, because their nametags has the Liberal and NDP logos, and that would be a safety issue for them, if they were to encounter anyone like that.
From witness information, it seems that the protesters have left the building, however, stay safe, walk around with a buddy, and if necessary and instructed by your dais, remove nametags.