by Emirates News Agency
Ideas are flying around in this small committee; within ECC, there have been alliances and betrayals, truces and resolutions. France has been verbally attacked by Prussia, as the latter has stated multiple times that France should not have moved their troops to Belgium and Switzerland, for fear of inciting a war, and that they should move them back posthaste. Many countries hastily agreed, with Great Britain stating that France was far too rash and condemned them for taking advantage of the chaos surrounding Europe. France fired back, however, by repeatedly stating that they did not mobilize for invasion, but rather because they are threatened and are simply exercising their right to defend themselves. They further stated that Prussia is the enemy, and that despite Prussia claiming to be the “good guys” in this scenario, their grand motive has always been regional dominance. France, alongside other countries, have reiterated many times throughout this committee by saying that Prussia’s vision is nothing more than a power play. So the question is, what is Prussia’s grand plan?
“Our citizens want a united Germany, and we will fight for them,” states Prussia, gravely mourning the loss of citizens lost in battle. Prussia’s plan is to unite the German empire by stirring up trouble within France and other countries, such as Denmark. Many countries, such as Austria, Russia, and Lautenberg have betrayed Prussia, stating that the rogue nation must be stopped. In response, Prussia accused Austria of being “a heretic” and that the Pope and even God Himself is on their side. However, Austria condemns Prussia. “Prussia has gone too far,” he stated, “and the idea of God’s will and the Pope is simply a pose.” Unfortunately for Prussia, it seems that more and more countries are feeling the same way. Many countries are stating that Prussia has few allies and France themselves stated that “the Pope has shown no support and it is unclear which God Prussia is following.” They continued by stating that Germany “should stay a little smaller in order to maintain sovereignty, and that power should stay with leaders.” These are indeed fighting words, and it seems that these countries are indeed willing to fight Prussia, and with it, their ideals and beliefs. It is 1848, war has descended upon Europe, and tensions have never been higher.